來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2025-03-04 23:55:04
中藥主要由植物藥(根、莖、葉、果)、動物藥(內(nèi)臟、皮、骨、器官)和礦物藥組成。因以植物藥為主,故也稱中草藥。中藥的應(yīng)用理論獨特,認(rèn)為中藥有四氣五味。“四氣”指藥性的“寒熱溫涼” ,“五味”指藥物的“辛酸甘苦咸” 。中國人探索中草藥已有幾千年的歷 史,如今中醫(yī)藥及其診療方法已傳播到世界各地。
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine mainlyconsists of plant medicine (roots, stems, leaves, fruits), animalmedicine(viscera, skins, bones, organs), and mineral medicine. Chinese herbalmedicine is based on plant medicine. According to the unique application theoryof traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that it contains “four natures and five flavors.” “Four Natures” refers to the properties of “coldness, heat, mildness, and coolness,” while “five flavors” refers to the properties of being“pungent, sour, sweet, bitter, and salty.” It is said that Chinese people have beenconducting research into herbal medicine for thousands of years. Nowadays,traditional Chinese medicine and its therapeutic methods have extensively beenspread to the far corners of the globe.